Monday, September 21, 2009


Guatemala... roughly the size of Tennessee and home to about 13 million people ...

In this one country alone, Unicef estimates that there are 370,000 orphans. "Of this unfathomable figure, only about 30,000 are in orphanages. Where are the remaining 340,000? The simple answer is in the streets." These children have lived the horrors of poverty, violence, corruption, abuse and malnutrition. So many have spent their childhoods unloved, uncared for, abandoned, abused and forgotten about. My hope and prayer is that you will join me, and fall in love with the beautiful children... children loved by God... but today find themselves orphaned...

We have been so blessed to be a part of the miracle that is adoption. Our daughter Kourtny is a constant reminder to her sisters, Daddy and me of the potential of every boy and girl who are longing for God's love, both here and around the world.

She never forgets all the children who are still waiting for a forever family. And she won't let us forget. She causes us to get a glimpse into the heart of the Father... who never forgets... who never lets go.

Brandon Heath's lyrics resonate in our souls:
"Give me Your eyes for just one second. Give me Your eyes so I can see, everything that I keep missing. Give me Your love for humanity. Give me Your arms for the broken-hearted, the ones that are far beyond my reach. Give me Your heart for the once forgotten. Give me Your eyes so I can see."